
Organizational Structure


Sultan Engineering has a team of directors led by the Managing Director with five full-time engineers & other associates who are engaged when there are ongoing projects

wdt_ID Name Qualification Years of relevant experience
1 Magara Nicholas Managing Director BEM –MUK, MSC ENR -MUK, DPAM -UMI, Dip.Pollution Managemen-tErasmus University Netherlands, Executive Diploma ILBM, JICA KANSAI -JAPAN. 15
2 Murezi Edwin Director/ Valuation Surveyor and Real Estate Specialist. Bachelor of sciences, in Land Economics (MUK) PGD DPPM (UMI), 8
3 Eng. Arinaitwe Johnson Environment Engineer Bachelor of Engineering in Environmenta Engineering and Managementfrom Kyambogo University-Uganda and Diploma in Water Engineering from Uganda Technical Colleg-e Bushenyi. Understanding and implementation o Occupational Health and Safety Managemen Systems 14
4 Eng. Jonas Habakurama (Operations Engineer) BSC. Eng Civil (KYU), Dip Mechanical Engineering and Production (KYU) Cert. Computer Science-(KYU) 8
5 Muganzi Appollo Assistant Engineering Officer (Civil) BSC. Eng Civil (MUK), Ordinary Dip Civil Eng (UTC LIRA) UAC Jinja SS, UCE Jinja SS. Cert Site Supervision. 8
Name Qualification Years of relevant experience